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If ceramic companies don’t do this this year, employees will definitely resign.

Release time:2024-10-16click:0

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Mother's Day in 2019 is approaching. Brother Chan is waiting for the spectacle of "filial sons gathering together" in WeChat Moments. A girl is about to have her second child. My mother’s friend in the ceramics industry sent a message saying that she was lucky to have chosen the ceramics company she currently works for three years ago.

Where does luck come from?

First, the treatment is generous. Her position in this company is no higher than her previous position in any company, but her salary is higher than any previous position; she does not need to queue up to buy social security after becoming a regular employee, and she can enjoy it as soon as she joins the job. A company that is willing to provide employees with very real benefits is worth trusting.

Second, wages are paid on time. This company is strong, honest and trustworthy, and its monthly salary payments are always on time or in advance and never late. In the ceramic industry, where companies often default on employees' wages, such companies are undoubtedly a breath of fresh air.

Third, vacations are humane. Although this company, like most companies in the ceramics industry, has four days off per month and generally only rests on Saturdays or Sundays, but if you encounter a weekend during a business trip, after returning to the company You can make up for the untaken time on any day; in addition, pregnant women are entitled to 1-2 days of paid maternity leave per month during pregnancy, 90 days of maternity leave and maternity allowance after childbirth, and one hour of maternity leave per day for half a year. Paid breastfeeding leave. The company implements the leave system in a humane manner.

In a word, this company gives employees a sense of belonging and gives Brother Chan Friends bring a real and practical feeling like mother's love.

Since the ceramic industry suffered a cliff-like decline in 2018, it is similar to "Ceramic Regional Manager, where will we go?" "Who is killing the dealers?" "The ceramic industry is facing a dark future, how can we survive?" "Ceramic industry people-leave vs. stay" comments come and go, making companies, dealers and practitioners all feel uneasy.

Brother Chan believes that the greater the industry crisis, the more people are panicking. If a company like this can provide Staff beltThis precious quality of belonging becomes even more important.

But it is a pity that some companies do not understand or simply ignore this point, and will only blindly learn from Huawei's wolf Culture forcefully inculcates into employees the values ​​of hard work and the idea of ​​staying with the company through thick and thin, but fails to provide them with treatment that can support their families and the holidays that normal people need.

Some companies never regard paying employees as an important and sacred matter, even if they There are sufficient funds in the account, and I want to take advantage of the employees' advantages. I will delay and delay the payment until it can no longer be delayed, not to mention those who have long been in arrears with employees' wages due to financial constraints.

Some companies have less than four days of rest time a month or even four days, but rigidly stipulate that they can only rest during the week. They also deprive employees of their rest time during major events such as dealer meetings and ceramics "double exhibitions" without any compensation afterwards, neither compensatory time off nor overtime pay.

Some companies encourage working overtime no matter what happens, as if the bosses and management have a problem with employees. After getting off work on time, I felt sick all over my body, so the employees pretended to work overtime to show their bosses, and the bosses pretended to work overtime to show their bosses. Most of the people pretended to work hard every day, and the team was in full swing, but the actual results were a mess.

In some companies, whether during or after get off work, employees must be on call when the company has something to do. The employees themselves haveYou have to either ask for leave and deduct money for business matters, or endure it. When leaders have something to do, they run faster than anyone else.

How can a company like this give employees a sense of belonging?

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A team leader will say"What is the most expensive thing in the 21st century? Talent!"( From the movie "A World Without Thieves"), do some companies not understand?

Even ordinary employees cannot give them a sense of belonging, how can they retain more talents?

To borrow the words of Hui Chuang Ali Jackma, "There are only two reasons for employees to resign: FirstFirst, the money is not paid in place; second, I feel wronged." If the company cannot provide employees with attractive enough treatment, then you can only try your best to prevent employees from feeling wronged. For those who will become employees of the company in the future This is especially important for the post-90s generation. What they need is not only attractive salary and career paths, but also a working environment that does not restrict their humanity and personality.

So how can we prevent employees from feeling wronged?

First, describe the cake that will not offend employees. Packing is all about feelings. If the feelings expressed make you feel funny and deceived, how can your employees believe them? Therefore, if you don’t have Jack Ma’s amazing motivation that is very good at talking about feelings and dreams, it is recommended to take a detour and go directly to the second and third points.

Second, set up a people-oriented management system. When it comes to people-oriented, some people may strongly object because they believe that cruel working environment and strict work requirements can make people grow. In fact, there is no contradiction at all between people-oriented management and strict requirements at work. Any system should be based on human nature, otherwise it may become a piece of paper. For example, if any company dares to formulate a rule that "everyone starts working at 3 a.m. and gets off work at 11 p.m.", it will definitely not be implemented and will be scolded as a bastard and a lunatic. The law is nothing more than human relationships, let alone the corporate system?

Third, create a team atmosphere with simple interpersonal relationships. Why do people generally feel that work is tiring these days? The main reason is that interpersonal relationships in the workplace are too complex, which requires a lot of time before doing things. A lot of energy is spent on dealing with interpersonal relationships that appear to be normal but are actually very distorted. They even deliberately try to flatter others and waste their talents and energy on things other than their work goals. Only when interpersonal relationships are simple can all employees be treated fairly and fairly. Let them not be wronged and keep those who are really willing to do things well.

Brother Chan believes that if the company can really do the above three points well, plus the treatment is decent, it will definitely It can give employees a sense of belonging and love the company as home or even as mother.

Currently, the industry is experiencing an unprecedented cold winter, which has a great impact on the stability and introduction of talents. No business can remain immune. The external environment cannot be changed. What an enterprise can do is to change from within, and through changes, retain and make good use of talents, the first resource and greatest driving force for enterprise development.

This is the biggest inspiration for the ceramic industry from the upcoming Mother's Day in 2019.

By the way, Brother Chan’s friend works in Hongyu. This is the only company in the industry that dares to take the responsibility of treating its employees well. There are quite a few more. For example, Brother Chan’s old club Xin Mingzhu, Shunhui, and current club ChinaCeramics Network and Otao Technology where it is located.

The reason why I want to mention the names of these companies is to express that: to run a business, you must not only build a customer-specific and users’ product brands and service brands, and also create corporate brands targeting employees and talents.

By the way, today is China Brand Day, so it is most appropriate to end the article with the brand.


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