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Read the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting Green Industrial Development in the Yellow River Basin"

Release time:2024-08-29click:0
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Water Resources jointly issued the "Guidance on Further Promoting the Green Development of Industry in the Yellow River Basin" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Section [2022] No. 169, hereinafter referred to as the "Guidance" Opinion"). The relevant content of the "Guiding Opinions" is interpreted as follows:
 1. In what context was the "Guiding Opinions" formulated?
Promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin is a major national strategy personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many on-the-spot inspections of the Yellow River, covering nine provinces and regions, and made a series of important speeches and important instructions. In September 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, emphasizing that “we must adhere to the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to ecological priority, green development, and determine by water and measure water. We should implement measures according to local conditions, implement classified policies, make overall plans for the upstream and downstream, main branches and tributaries, and the left and right banks, jointly do a good job in major protection, and coordinate to promote major governance." In October 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, requiring "we must firmly follow the path of green and low-carbon development and promote changes in the quality, efficiency, and power of economic development in the basin." In October 2022, the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin." This has put forward new and higher requirements for the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin.
The Yellow River Basin is short of water resources and ecologically fragile. The average annual water resource volume is 64.7 billion cubic meters, less than 7% of the Yangtze River. The water resources development and utilization rate is as high as 80%, far exceeding 40 % ecological warning line. The ecological environment is under great pressure. Industrial wastewater discharge accounts for nearly one-third of the total sewage discharge in the region, and most of it is distributed along rivers. Some tributaries and lakes are seriously polluted. High-quality development is insufficient, and the industry relies heavily on energy, low quality and low efficiency. The characteristics of energy, chemical industry, raw materials, etc. are obvious. Problems such as water shortages, an industrial structure that favors coal, and insufficient green technology development restrict the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin.
Facing the new situation and new requirements, it is urgent to formulate a policy document to further promote the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin. The issuance of the "Guiding Opinions" is of great significance for promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, accelerating the green transformation of development methods, and promoting regional coordinated development and green development.
 2. What is the process of preparing the "Guidance Opinions"?
First, organize on-site surveys and special studies. We went to Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Henan, and Shaanxi to conduct special research, sort out the current industrial structure of the Yellow River Basin, constraints on industrial green development, and next steps for transformation and improvement, and compile a research report. At the same time, we will do a good job in coordinating key tasks such as the "14th Five-Year Plan for Industrial Green Development" and the "14th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development of the Yellow River Basin".
 The second is to conduct in-depth discussions and draft manuscripts. Based on the preliminary investigation and research, relevant research institutions were organized to conduct multiple online and offline discussions, and the "Guiding Opinions (First Draft)" were drafted. According to the key tasks related to promoting green industrial development in nine provinces and regions along the Yellow River during the "14th Five-Year Plan", the draft was revised and improved to form the "Guiding Opinions (Draft for Comments)".
 The third is to solicit opinions from all parties and communicate and coordinate. Considering that the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin involves many fields and aspects, the opinions of relevant ministries and commissions, as well as the industry and information technology departments of the nine provinces and regions along the Yellow River were solicited for the "Guiding Opinions (Draft for Comments)".
 The fourth is to do a good job of review and evaluation. In accordance with the relevant requirements for policy document review, complete fair competition review, WTO compliance assessment and macro policy orientation consistency assessment. The final "Guiding Opinions" are the result of fully gathering the opinions of all parties and reaching a consensus.
 3. How are the guiding ideas and goals of the "Guiding Opinions" considered?
The "Guiding Opinions" are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, and thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, which is complete and accurate. , Comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, with the theme of promoting high-quality development, accelerate the green transformation of development methods, implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, strive to promote regional coordinated development and green development, and base on the natural conditions and resources of different regions in the Yellow River Basin Endowments and industrial advantages, in accordance with the requirements of jointly grasping the great protection and collaboratively promoting the great governance, accelerate the optimization of industrial layout and structural adjustment, strengthen technological innovation and policy support, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry, and improve the efficiency of resource and energy utilization and the level of clean production. Build an efficient and sustainable new pattern of green industrial development in the Yellow River Basin.
The "Guiding Opinions" propose that by 2025, the level of industrial green development in the Yellow River Basin will be obviousUpgrading, the industrial structure and layout are more reasonable, the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas have been fully completed, the energy consumption, water consumption and carbon emission intensity of traditional manufacturing industries have been significantly reduced, industrial wastewater recycling, solid waste comprehensive utilization, cleaner production The level of industrialization and industrial digitalization has been further improved, green and low-carbon technology and equipment have been widely used, and the level of green manufacturing has been comprehensively improved.
 4. What requirements does the "Guiding Opinions" put forward for the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin?
The "Guiding Opinions" put forward 14 specific tasks in 5 key directions.
The first is to promote the adjustment of industrial structure layout, including promoting industrial optimization and upgrading, resolutely curbing the blind development of high-pollution, high-water-consuming, and high-energy-consuming projects, and strictly implementing Industry capacity replacement policy will promote the exit of backward production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations; build a water-friendly industrial layout, promote the intensive and green development of heavy chemical industry, promote the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy bases; vigorously develop strategic For emerging industries and advanced manufacturing, carry out special actions for the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, cultivate specialized and new "little giant" enterprises and individual manufacturing champion enterprises, and accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries.
The second is to promote the intensive use of water resources, including promoting the improvement of water efficiency in key industries, implementing industrial water efficiency improvement and transformation, and vigorously promoting advanced water-saving processes and technologies and equipment, create wastewater recycling demonstration enterprises and parks; strengthen the leadership of industrial water efficiency demonstrations, accelerate the formulation and revision of water-saving related standards, promote the creation of water-saving benchmark enterprises and parks, select national water efficiency leader enterprises and parks; optimize the industrial water structure , strictly manage water quotas, create innovative pilot projects for efficient recycling of wastewater integrated with industry and cities, and promote the use of unconventional water such as seawater, brackish water, mine water, and rainwater.
The third is to promote the low-carbon transformation of energy consumption, including promoting the improvement of energy efficiency in key industries, promoting the upgrading of energy-saving technology and processes, implementing the energy efficiency "leader" action, and developing industrial Energy-saving supervision, organize and implement industrial energy-saving diagnosis services; implement carbon reduction technology transformation and upgrading, strengthen the promotion and application of green low-carbon process technology and equipment, promote carbon reduction throughout the product life cycle, explore active carbon reduction paths, and implement carbon reduction with outstanding effects and strong motivation Major projects; promote the efficient use of clean energy, encourage the application of alternative energy, accelerate the reduction and replacement of coal, and improve the level of electrification of industrial end-use energy.
The fourth is to promote the green improvement of traditional manufacturing industry.Including promoting the construction of green manufacturing system, creating green products, green factories, green industrial parks and green supply chain management enterprises, carrying out green manufacturing technology innovation and integrated application; strengthening the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and improving the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste rate, encourage the construction of industrial parks for high-value utilization of renewable resources, actively implement the extended producer responsibility system, and plan for the comprehensive utilization of emerging solid waste in advance; improve the supply capacity of environmental protection equipment, implement the action plan for the high-quality development of the environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry, and carry out cleaning in key industries Production transformation, promotion and application of clean production technology and advanced and applicable environmental protection equipment.
The fifth is to promote industrial digital upgrading,including strengthening the construction of new infrastructure, promoting the green upgrade of new information infrastructure, and developing large and medium-sized data centers, communication network base stations and Green construction and renovation of computer rooms, establishing a full life cycle green and low-carbon basic data platform; promoting digital, intelligent and green integration, deepening the digital application of production and manufacturing processes, supporting the use of information methods such as the Internet of Things and big data, and promoting "Industrial Internet+" "New model.
 5. What are the safeguard measures in the "Guidance Opinions"?
First, strengthen organizational leadership, fully understand the importance of further promoting the green development of industry in the Yellow River Basin, implement work responsibilities, and refine work plans, Carry out implementation item by item.
The second is to strengthen standards and technical support. Give play to the leading role of standards, promote the construction of green development standards, increase innovation in green and low-carbon technology equipment products, and promote advanced and mature Technology industrialization application and promotion.
The third is to implement fiscal and taxation financial policies, implement corporate income tax, value-added tax and other preferential policies as well as special policies for industry-financing cooperation to promote green industrial development, and promote the implementation of water resources Measures related to tax reform.
The fourth is to innovate talent training and cooperation mechanisms, improve talent attraction policies and market-oriented and socialized talent management service systems, and promote green manufacturing and green services to take the lead "Go out".

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