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6 ways to advance energy security and sustainability

Release time:2024-08-28click:5
Key Points:
Energy security and sustainable development are complementary to each other.
Current short-term efforts to strengthen energy supply will ultimately accelerate the development momentum of clean energy.
A new framework defines six areas of the energy transition.
 “How can energy transition and energy security be promoted in parallel?” This is a key question facing today’s energy leaders. The answer lies in viewing these not as competing imperatives, but as mutually reinforcing ones. Sustainability and security must be core features of future energy systems. The world cannot achieve the energy transition without comprehensive solutions that address both issues simultaneously.
While sustainability remains a top concern for leaders, the real focus now is on strengthening energy systems. Many worry that a reduced focus on sustainability could threaten momentum towards net zero emissions. But this is not a foregone conclusion.
In order to meet short-term security needs, some governments have begun to roll back green policies to ensure the stability of their energy supply chains. Measures to strengthen gas supplies include securing alternative sources, building new gas infrastructure to receive liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes, and increasing the share of coal in the electricity mix.
These responses could lock a region into a commitment to fossil fuels and displace investment in clean energy solutions in the short term. But the energy crisis will also serve as a catalyst to accelerate progress toward a future dominated by secure, clean energy. Short-term hardship will lead to medium- and long-term gains, as is evident from a range of policy packages, such as the US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU’s RePower, which are putting clean energy pathways ahead of the ongoing energy crisis. for a prominent position.
The energy security challenges we face today are different from those in the past. Some traditional solutions (geopolitics, resource storage) fail to comprehensively address these issues, while others (productivity, consumption, efficiency and regulation) are effective but require adaptation. New approaches are needed to handle digitally connected energy assets and systems, extended supply chains and emerging technologies at scale.
The World Economic Forum, in partnership with Accenture, proposes a comprehensive framework that highlights how interrelated actions can be taken across six dimensions to address these security challenges and ensure a secure energy transition.
1. Demand
Harnessing the value of low-carbon energy demand can improve system flexibility and reliability, energy security and resilience, and generate returns for consumers. A just transition requires societies to prioritize energy efficiency. Improving efficiency results in immediate cost savings that can be reinvested in clean energy systems. It can also have a significant immediate impact on emissions. Importantly, the need for greater efficiency can extend beyond energy to include the efficient use of materials necessary to develop low-carbon energy infrastructure, such as steel, copper and cement.
Promoting new operating practices, incentives and behavioral changes could save approximately 110 EJ of energy by 2030, equivalent to more than 18% of global energy consumption in 2021. This highlights the critical role that demand-side management plays in adding value to energy systems, which has been overlooked.
2. Regulation and incentives
By 2030, the investment required to keep the energy transition on track may exceed 40,000 billion dollars. Decisions about funding allocations must consider three trade-offs: a. Near-term actions versus the long-term development of future energy systems; b. Providing affordable energy and access versus scaling up low-carbon solutions; c. Guaranteeing that investments will last throughout the life of the asset Continuing within the cycle, rather than focusing on maintaining flexibility and continually enhancing the energy framework. Over the next decade, investment and market structures will play a key role in guiding public sector action and directing the investment in carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), H2, biofuels and zero-emission power assets needed for the future.
Balancing energy security and sustainability requires substantial public and private commitments, policy mechanisms and structured frameworks to support consumers and promote the continued development of clean energy infrastructure.
3. Trust and collaboration
More than 100 countries have proposed or are considering net zero goals. For many, comprehensive decarbonization will include actions that transcend national borders, such as sharing infrastructure or establishing transnational market mechanisms. Whether it is strengthening power system interconnection or developing interconnected supply chains, the success of these initiatives will depend on the effective sharing of technology, resources and knowledge. Cooperation and trust between all parties are key.
Energy security and sustainability are urgent global priorities and require a global response. Regional/national coordination, public-private collaboration, and interconnected cross-border energy systems must be strategically developed, especially over the next decade. Trust between all parties will be a key factor in the success of the transformation and must therefore be prioritized.
4. Supply
Fossil fuels account for more than 80% of global energy consumption. While fossil resources are geologically predetermined, countries can achieve supply security and even self-sufficiency through a combination of energy trading and diversification of fuel sources. In addition, security of supply must extend beyond energy and must also address the supply of minerals used to develop connected grids and transmission infrastructure, which are critical for the large-scale deployment of intermittent renewable energy.
The energy transition will not happen without a diversified energy supply and a steady increase in the share of clean and renewable energy assets. For every $1 invested in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure, an additional $5 should be spent on developing renewable energy capacity.
 5. Stability and resilience
  Clean electricity is crucial to ensuring energy security while promoting transformation. However, bringing in more wind and solar energy could impact grid reliability. Grid modernization, along with enhanced energy storage and backup generation capabilities, will require dispatchable alternatives that accommodate current energy sources. Reimagining operations, circular supply chains, improved stakeholder communications and optimized workforce management practices are also critical to ensuring a strong and resilient grid.
The future of energy is decentralized, digital and collaborative, and runs on a reactive and flexible smart grid, so it is the efficient integration of renewable energy into the energy supply. key. Building a stable and resilient energy system is not limited to network capacity, backup and storage, but also includes new ways of working together in technology, not just with energy suppliers.
6. System Security
Smart and digital energy assets offer many benefits, but are also vulnerable to new forms of attack. The energy sector accounts for 16% of all detected cyberattacks, a number that has increased with the recent pandemic. Overall, the energy industry is the third most targeted industry by cybercriminals. In response to increased threat levels, improvements in emergency response, incident reporting, and system design are needed.
In a world of growing physical and cyber threats, leaders need to refocus and collaborate on their security, from securing energy supplies to protecting data and extended supply chains. A strong physical and cybersecurity culture is critical to the security and resiliency of the energy industry.
Energy security is a core component of a successful energy transition. But it can no longer be seen as a separate issue or separate from the needs of energy sustainability. In fact, these issues are so intertwined that it is not a stretch to conclude that the future of energy security is energy sustainability. Focusing on these six interrelated areas of action can help drive safety and sustainability improvements and pave the way for a smoother, more successful transition.

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