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Full text record丨The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environmental Protection"

Release time:2024-08-15click:2
The State Council Information Office held a press conference at 10 a.m. on July 11, 2024 (Thursday) to release the white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environmental Protection". Sun Shuxian, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Director of the State Oceanic Administration, and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Guo Fanghe, spokesperson of the State Council Information Office, attended the meeting to introduce the white paper and answer reporters’ questions.
Xing Huina, Deputy Director and Spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the State Council Information Office:
Ladies and gentlemen, this morning good! Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office.
Today, the Information Office of the State Council of China released the white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environmental Protection" and held a press conference to introduce and interpret the main contents of the white paper.
The white paper is guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implements Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, systematically introduces China’s policy concepts for building a harmonious marine ecological environment for humans and seas, and comprehensively elaborates on China’s overall planning It is an important measure to promote the protection of the marine ecological environment, systematically carry out marine ecological environment governance, and improve the level of marine green and low-carbon development. It demonstrates China's practical actions and world contribution to extensively carry out international cooperation in marine ecological environment protection and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for the ocean. It calls on all countries to jointly Protect the marine ecological environment, promote sustainable development of the ocean, and jointly build a cleaner and more beautiful world.
The white paper consists of three parts: the preface, the main body and the conclusion, with a total of about 27,000 words. Among them, the main text contains 7 parts, namely: 1. Building a harmonious marine ecological environment between humans and seas; 2. Coordinating the promotion of marine ecological environment protection; 3. Systematic management of the marine ecological environment; 4. Scientifically carrying out marine ecological protection and restoration; 5. . Strengthen the supervision and management of marine ecological environment; 6. Improve the level of marine green and low-carbon development; 7. Carry out all-round international cooperation in marine ecological and environmental protection.
The white paper is published in 8 languages, including Chinese, English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese. It is published by the People's Publishing House and the Foreign Languages ​​Publishing House respectively, and is distributed in Xinhua Bookstores nationwide. .
In order to help everyone better understand the relevant contents of the white paper, we invited Mr. Sun Shuxian, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Director of the State Oceanic Administration, and Guo Fang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to today’s press conference Madam, please introduce the relevant situation to everyone and answer your questions.
First of all, please introduce the situation to Mr. Sun Shuxian.
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, NationalSun Shuxian, Director of the National Oceanic Administration:
Dear journalist friends, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! I am very happy to witness the release of the white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environment Protection" with everyone today. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your concern and support for marine ecological environment protection.
The white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environment Protection" systematically elaborates on the concepts, practices and achievements of China's marine ecological environment protection. We hope that the release of the white paper will encourage people from all walks of life and the international community to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China's marine ecological and environmental protection undertakings, and further strengthen exchanges and cooperation.
Dear friends, the ocean is a treasure house of natural resources and a strategic location for high-quality development. Currently, global ocean security, development, and governance are facing a series of outstanding challenges. China has always actively promoted the global ocean governance process and is a staunch promoter and active actor of marine ecological and environmental protection.
General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "we must care for the ocean as we care for life." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization, China has carried out a series of fundamental, pioneering and long-term work in the field of marine ecological and environmental protection, promoting historic, turning and overall progress in marine ecological and environmental protection. It has made a series of landmark achievements and embarked on a path of harmony among people with Chinese characteristics.
First, the concept of marine ecological environment protection is innovated while maintaining integrity. We adhere to the priority of ecology, deepen the objective understanding of the natural laws of the ocean, and incorporate the construction of marine ecological civilization into the overall layout of ocean development; we adhere to the overall planning of land and sea, linkage of rivers and seas, and systematic governance, realizing policies from single elements to overall implementation, and from end-to-end Governance to the transformation of full-chain management; we adhere to science and technology guidance, diversified co-governance, national participation, and win-win cooperation, improve comprehensive governance capabilities from multiple angles and all-round, and a group of beautiful China construction and people like "Xiamen Practice" have emerged. It is a model of maritime harmony and vividly demonstrates the taking root of China’s ecological civilization ideas.
Second, the practice of marine ecological environment protection is advancing in exploration. China took the lead in proposing and delineating ecological protection red lines, improving the marine protected area system, and implementing major projects for marine ecological protection and restoration. The diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystem have been significantly enhanced. China's maritime management model has also shifted from "flat" to "three-dimensional". Technology for the development and utilization of marine renewable energy has developed rapidly, and the level of conservation and intensive utilization of marine resources has greatly improved. China continues to improve its laws, regulations and institutional systems, and comprehensively utilizes land, sea, air, space and other comprehensiveMonitor and supervise means to promote marine ecological early warning and monitoring, improve marine disaster prevention and reduction capabilities, and build a safety barrier for marine ecology.
The third is to build a consensus on marine ecological environment protection with other countries around the world. Since 2012, we have submitted more than 800 proposals of various types to international organizations, actively participated in the formulation of international rules on environmental protection, resource conservation, etc., signed cooperation agreements with more than 50 countries and international organizations to jointly build the "Belt and Road", and closely aligned with the United Nations. With major cooperation initiatives such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations "Ocean Decade", the "Blue Partnership" cooperation has become more dynamic; we have carried out extensive foreign assistance and training to contribute wisdom and strength to properly respond to global marine ecological and environmental challenges.
Dear friends, this blue planet we live on is the common home of mankind. All mankind is a community with a shared future that shares weal and woe and shares weal and woe. China is willing to work with the international community to build a marine ecology. The foundation of civilization, let’s take the road of marine green development together.
I will briefly introduce this much first. Thank you all!
 Xing Huina:
 Thank you, Minister Sun. Now I would like to ask Ms. Guo Fang to introduce the situation.
Guo Fang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment:
Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press, good morning. ! I am very happy to meet you all here. First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to friends from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported China's marine ecological and environmental protection.
As Minister Sun said just now, General Secretary Xi Jinping cares deeply about and has high hopes for the construction of marine ecological civilization and the protection of marine ecological environment. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization, China’s marine ecological environment protection has undergone unprecedented major changes, which are mainly reflected in four persistences:
We adhere to the systemic concept , the reform of the land and sea coordination system and mechanism continues to deepen. China is building a large-scale protection and governance pattern from mountain tops to oceans, and reforms in the maritime field continue to advance, especially in the institutional reform in 2018. The responsibilities of marine environmental protection were integrated into the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and three river basin and sea area ecological environment supervision and management agencies were established. It has opened up land and sea, connected ecology and environment, and built a comprehensive management system that coordinates land and sea and links rivers and seas. Cooperation between departments has become stronger and coordination between regions has become smoother.
We insist on putting people first, and the achievements of beautiful bay construction have been continuously demonstrated. China has always adhered to the concept of ecology for the people and ecology benefiting the people, and has compiled and implemented the "14th Five-Year Plan for Marine Ecological Environment Protection Plan" and "Action Plan for the Construction and Improvement of Beautiful Bays". Currently, it is focusing on building more than 110 beautiful bays, and in 65 The bay is carrying out marine debris clean-up work like a dragnet to promote the recycling of marine plastic waste.
Today, I also brought a small object to all my journalist friends. This beautiful silk scarf is actually made of three discarded plastic bottles. These plastic bottles are from Public beach cleanup operation in Nansha District, Guangzhou. We strive to turn all 283 bays across the country into beautiful bays by 2035, so that the beautiful vision of "clear water and clean beaches, gathering of fish and gulls, and harmonious sea of ​​people" depicted on this silk scarf can become a reality.
We persist in focusing on key issues and the quality of the ecological environment in coastal waters continues to improve. China has always paid close attention to the strategic intersections of coastal areas such as the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River Estuary-Hangzhou Bay, and the Pearl River Estuary, implemented key governance, fought several successful battles, and achieved a major transformation in the quality of the ecological environment from stabilization to improvement to significant improvement. According to statistics, in 2023, the area of ​​​​good water quality in offshore waters reached a record high of 85%, an increase of 13.7 percentage points from 2018, and achieved "six consecutive years of growth"; 24 typical marine ecosystems have been eliminated since 2021 An "unhealthy" state.
We insist on governing the sea in accordance with the law, and supervision and law enforcement of the marine ecological environment have been continuously strengthened. China has always protected the oceans with the strictest system and strictest rule of law. It has revised the Marine Environmental Protection Law three times and once, formulated and revised 7 administrative regulations and more than 10 departmental rules, forming a strong legal guarantee. We have always adhered to strict supervision and law enforcement, and have inspected more than 53,000 sewage outlets entering and leaving the sea, and completed remediation of more than 16,000. We have continued to carry out the "Green Shield" and "Blue Sea" special regulatory and law enforcement actions, and implemented three rounds of central environmental protection inspections. During this period, more than 200 prominent sea-related issues were discovered and rectified.
Through unremitting persistence, everyone can feel that in recent years, the sea water has become clearer, the beaches have become cleaner, there are more seabirds, and the coastal wetlands have become more beautiful. The continuous improvement of the marine ecological environment is a vivid portrayal and powerful evidence of the historic, turning and overall changes in China's ecological environment protection. In the next step, we will continue to promote the comprehensive management of key sea areas, comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful bays, and continue to meet the people's needs for enjoying and being close to the sea.
"We know each other no matter how far we are, but we are still neighbors thousands of miles away." I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely invite friends from home and abroad to take a walk around the coast and appreciate together the excellent environment, ecological beauty, and governance effectiveness of the China Gulf. We are also willing to work with other countries to communicate, learn from each other, and engage in pragmatic cooperation. Let’s work together to build a community with a shared future for the oceans and keep the blue planet clear forever.
I will introduce this much first, thank you.
 Xing Huina:
Thank you, Minister Guo, for your introduction. Now comes the Q&A session. Friends from the media are welcome to ask questions. Please inform your news organization before asking questions.
CCTV reporter:We know that China has many typical marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds. In recent years, what have we done? What measures have been taken to protect and restore typical marine ecosystems, and how will the existing protection results be consolidated in the future? Thanks.
 Sun Shuxian:
 Thank you for your question. Marine ecosystems provide many aspects of ecological services for our survival, production, and life. In recent years, the Ministry of Natural Resources has adhered to the concepts of respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature, vigorously carried out the protection and restoration of typical marine ecosystems, and strived to improve the diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystem. The work is mainly carried out in the following aspects:
In terms of current status survey, in 2020, we completed the current status survey of typical ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and coastal salt marshes across the country, and basically understood The distribution and ecological status of various typical ecosystems were analyzed, and outstanding ecological problems and major threats and risks were identified.
In terms of early warning monitoring, ecological early warning monitoring is carried out regularly in key areas and early warning products are released, providing a basic basis for marine ecological protection and restoration.
In terms of ecological assessment, we regularly carry out typical ecosystem status assessments. In June this year, some media friends may have also noticed that in June we issued the "China Marine Ecological Early Warning and Monitoring Bulletin" for the first time. 》, monitoring results show that the overall conditions of coral reefs, seagrass beds, coastal salt marshes, and mangrove ecosystems are mainly excellent.
In terms of ecosystem protection, the vast majority of typical marine ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds have been included in the ecological protection red line, and strict protection has been implemented.Gradually remove man-made activities that do not meet management and control requirements and have a serious impact on the structure and function of the ecosystem.
In terms of ecosystem restoration, we have actively mobilized central funds and local fiscal funds to carry out the protection and restoration of degraded and damaged typical marine ecosystems, and restore the ecosystem and its service functions.
In the next step, we will take multiple measures to continue to strengthen the protection and restoration of typical ecosystems: first, grasp dynamic changes, continue to strengthen the investigation and assessment of the current situation of typical marine ecosystems, and gradually improve continuous observation Monitoring and early warning monitoring. The second is to strengthen protection and management, strictly implement the ecological protection red line system, combine regular physical examinations and "five-year assessments" of territorial spatial planning, timely supplement other typical ecosystem distribution areas, and at the same time strengthen the management and control of sea and island use for typical ecosystem projects. The third is to scientifically implement protection and restoration, improve the scientific nature of protection and restoration through classified policies, enhance scientific and technological support capabilities, and strengthen full-process tracking and monitoring, effect evaluation and post-management and maintenance to ensure the effectiveness of restoration. In addition, we will actively explore and promote the realization of the value of ecological products, pilot the value accounting of ecological products, encourage social capital to participate in the protection and restoration of typical marine ecosystems, and form a social atmosphere of joint construction and sharing.
Thank you!
Reporter from China News Service: The white paper introduces the relevant situation of China’s legal construction of marine ecological and environmental protection. I would like to know what work China has carried out in building the rule of law in the marine ecological environment? How to protect the marine ecological environment through the rule of law? Thanks.
 Guo Fang:
Thank you for your question. A good ecological environment must be guaranteed by the rule of law. We often say that we must control pollution accurately, scientifically, and in accordance with the law. Controlling pollution in accordance with the law is the core concept of China's ecological and environmental protection. It means adhering to laws and regulations, strict supervision, and protecting the ocean with the strictest system and the strictest rule of law. . Regarding the issue you are concerned about just now, I would like to give a brief introduction from two aspects: legislation and law enforcement.
First of all, in terms of legislation, China has formulated a comprehensive law on marine ecological environment protection, which is the Marine Environmental Protection Law. Since 2012, there have been 3 revisions and 1 revision. In particular, the newly revised Marine Environment Protection Law last year was revised from the original ten chapters and 97 articles to nine chapters and 124 articles, with 27 additional articles. Only 8 of them have not been revised. There are many institutional innovations and pragmatic measures. , for example, taking the coordination of land and sea as the principle of marine ecological environment protection, focusing on marine garbage control, supervision of sewage outlets into the sea,Detailed regulations have been made on the prevention and control of pollution in rivers entering the sea, and penalties have been added, the intensity of penalties has been increased, and penalty calculation methods and punishment methods have been enriched.
The "Wetland Protection Law", "Fisheries Law" and "Coast Police Law" respectively make clear provisions on the protection of coastal wetlands, marine fishery resources and marine environmental law enforcement.
Not only at the national level, but also at the local level along the coast, local legislation is also being actively carried out. For example, Hainan Province has issued regulations on the protection of coral reef clams, and Xiamen City has issued regulations on the population and habitat of Chinese white dolphins. The effect of the protection regulations is obvious. The population of Chinese white dolphins has increased from 60 in the early 1990s to nearly 80 now. It is said that Xiamen citizens can see Chinese white dolphins in the central city.
In terms of law enforcement, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Coast Guard and other departments have established a regulatory and law enforcement mechanism. On the basis of regular inspections and law enforcement, they jointly carry out "Green Shield" and "Blue Sea" special supervision Enforcement Actions. From 2020 to 2022, a total of more than 19,000 inspections of marine projects, oil platforms, islands, and dumping areas were conducted, and more than 360 cases of illegal sea reclamation, illegal dumping, and island destruction were investigated and dealt with, severely cracking down on key areas of marine ecological and environmental protection. illegal and criminal activities in the field.
In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to cooperate with the legislative body in the compilation of the "Ecological and Environmental Code", improve the marine ecological environment legal system, and use the power of the rule of law to protect the marine ecological environment. Thanks!
Nanfang Daily Nanfang+ Reporter: In recent years, China has continued to promote the construction of beautiful bays. What is the current progress and results? In this process, how to promote local governments to adapt measures to local conditions and better realize "one policy for one bay" and "each has its own advantages"? What are the next steps to consider? Thanks.
 Guo Fang:
Thank you to this reporter for your question. I just showed you the results of the beautiful bay construction. The construction of Beautiful Bay is an important starting point for the protection of the marine ecological environment. Our current progress is still very smooth, and the effect is very obvious. We mainly do three things: one is the "three-five-year" top-level design; Comprehensive management of "one bay, one policy"; and "demonstration and leadership" of grassroots innovation.
The first is the "three"Five-year" top-level design. As we all know, environmental protection does not happen overnight and requires long-term efforts. We started from the "14th Five-Year Plan" marine ecological environment protection plan and persisted in the "Three Five-Year Plan" to continue to advance and strive to reach 2035. 283 bays across the country can be built into beautiful bays. Currently, 11 coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country have formulated provincial construction plans and implementation plans for 130 specific bays, forming a comprehensive promotion of beautiful bays from the central to local levels. The planning layout and implementation system of bay construction. The second is the "one bay, one policy" comprehensive management of common issues, such as pollution prevention and control of coastal waters and the restoration of marine ecology. Restoration, as well as beach cleanliness and other issues that the media are also paying attention to, must be done in every bay construction. But at the same time, we are also worried that during the construction process, the "hundred bay side" that we will eventually do will still need to be "done." "One Bay, One Policy" has formed our unique advantages and characteristics. Therefore, "One Bay, One Policy" requires that each bay must combine its own endowments and adapt to local conditions. By the end of 2023, the 1682 targets determined during our "14th Five-Year Plan" period 1/2 of this specific task measure has been completed, and nearly 2/3 has been completed so far, and the rest is in progress. In 2023, 167 of the country's 283 bays will have more than 85% of the seawater area in good quality, and Bryde's whales will be protected. Flagship species such as dolphins, Chinese white dolphins, and black-faced spoonbills frequently appear in many bays. The "one bay, one policy" has indeed created "each has its own beauty." Let me introduce the most impressive one created by Zhangbei Bay in Rizhao, Shandong. There are 28 kilometers of Sunshine Coast Greenway, and 3.3 kilometers of restored beaches in Beihai, Guangxi, forming a beautiful "silver beach" that stretches for ten miles. I think my reporter friends today are very young, and they can take their children to visit these places when they are on summer vacation. Take a look.
Third, we strongly encourage “demonstration leadership” of grassroots innovation, especially institutional innovation, mechanism innovation, and technological innovation, and a group of outstanding cases of beautiful bay construction have been formed. Good experiences and practices that can be replicated and promoted. For example, in Dapeng Bay, Shenzhen, there are more than ten green and environmentally friendly marine public welfare organizations active all year round, carrying out hundreds of miles of coastline protection actions, and driving the public to become participants and supervisors in the construction of beautiful bays. . In Tangshan Bay, Hebei, the kelp reef ecosystem reconstruction technology has been used to recreate the 4,000-acre seabed with mountains of oysters, forests of algae, ginseng and shells, and fish and shrimps interacting with each other.
The "Regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council" issued at the end of last year"Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China" also put forward clear requirements and made special arrangements for the construction of Beautiful Bay. In the next step, we will earnestly implement it, promote and complement each other through continuously improving top-level design and increasingly effective grass-roots practice, and more effectively promote the high-quality development of Beautiful Bay.
Thank you!
Shenzhen TV Direct News Reporter:We know that coastal areas are prone to pressure from ecological and environmental protection due to industrial agglomeration and high demand for resources. This has restricted Economic and social development in coastal areas. So I especially want to ask, what work has been done in recent years to balance resource development and ecological protection and promote the development of marine economy in coastal areas? Thanks.
 Sun Shuxian:
 Thank you for your question. The development of marine economy in coastal areas has been a hot issue of great concern to everyone in recent years. In recent years, the Ministry of Natural Resources has insisted on paying equal attention to development and protection, and has actively supported high-quality development of the ocean through high-level protection. It has mainly carried out the following work:
In optimizing marine space development In terms of protection pattern, we have implemented the sea-related requirements of the "National Territory Spatial Planning Outline (2021-2035)" of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, compiled a spatial plan for coastal zones and offshore sea areas, delineated marine ecological protection red lines, and clarified the marine ecological Space and ocean development and utilization spatial layout, overall planning and optimization of the distribution arrangement of key sea-use activities.
In terms of strengthening the protection of marine resource elements, the "Notice on Further Improving the Protection of Land and Sea Elements" was issued to simplify and optimize the requirements and procedures for sea area use demonstration for landing projects. Strictly control new reclamation and new islands.
In terms of promoting the conservation and intensive use of marine resources, we have steadily and orderly promoted the three-dimensional and hierarchical establishment of sea areas and promoted the transformation of sea area use from "flat" to "three-dimensional". Explore the rights to transfer, mortgage, and lease the use rights of uninhabited islands in accordance with the law, and gradually expand the market-oriented allocation ratio of the sea-use market.
In terms of strengthening green and low-carbon technological innovation, we promote the transformation and development of the marine industry through technological innovation, and strengthen the development of seawater desalination, ocean energy development, utilization of marine biological resources, and offshore engineering equipment. Technological research will inject new momentum into the high-quality development of the marine industry and create new advantages.
At present, my country’s marine industry development, marineMarine ecological and environmental protection has shown good results. Just now, Vice Minister Guo Fang gave everyone a comprehensive introduction to the continuous optimization of the ecological environment. In terms of marine economic development, in 2023, my country's total marine product value will be 9.9097 billion yuan, an increase of 6% over the previous year, and the growth rate is higher than the GDP of the country. The value is 0.8 percentage points higher. The marine economy has recovered strongly, improved both in quantity and quality, and has become a new engine for national economic growth. Thanks!
 Global Times reporter: I am more concerned about the ecological environment management of inland seas, because this is considered a global problem. The only inland sea in China is the Bohai Sea, so I would like to ask, can you introduce the ecological and environmental management of the Bohai Sea in recent years? What exemplary role do some of our initiatives have for other countries and regions around the world? Thanks.
 Guo Fang:
 Thank you for your question, and also thank you for your concern for Bohai Sea governance. Indeed, as you said, the inland sea goes deep into the interior of the continent, and is only connected to the outer sea by straits. Therefore, it often has the characteristics of small sea area, slow exchange speed, relatively poor ocean capacity, and relatively large number of human activities. It can easily form a problem of marine environment management. A difficult point. There are many internationally, such as the Chesapeake Bay in the United States, the Baltic Sea in Europe, and the Seto Inland Sea in Japan, which have also undergone years of governance practice. The Bohai Sea is China’s only semi-enclosed inland sea and has experienced offshore Ecological dilemmas include deteriorating water quality, ecological degradation, resource depletion, and frequent disasters. China attaches great importance to the governance of the Bohai Sea and has been conducting governance. Especially since 2018, two rounds of key comprehensive management have been carried out in succession, and the results are still relatively obvious. In 2023, the proportion of excellent water quality in the coastal waters of the Bohai Sea will reach 83.5%, an increase of 18.1 percentage points from 2018, exceeding our average growth rate.
In the practice of Bohai Sea governance, China has explored and formed a comprehensive management model of the inland sea ecological environment that coordinates land and sea, among which there are "three keys".
One of the keys is the coordination of land and sea. Pollution in the Bohai Sea is mainly due to excess nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus. The problem seems to be in the sea, but its roots are all on land. In recent years, the quality of the Bohai Sea has been improved by controlling the two "gates" of rivers entering the sea and sewage outlets entering the sea, developing a "combination punch" for total nitrogen control in rivers entering the sea, and conducting detailed inspections of sewage outlets entering the sea. The "embroidery work" of retrospective treatment has established a land and sea coordinated pollution control mechanism of "watershed-estuary-coastal sea areas". I can report to the reporters, the water quality of the Bohai Sea is still improving.
The second key is pollution reduction and capacity expansion. Pollution reduction is relatively easy to understand, which means reducing the amount of pollutants discharged into the sea through reduction of total nitrogen emissions in rivers entering the sea, inspection and rectification of sewage outlets entering the sea, etc. Capacity expansion is what Minister Sun just introduced, which is to expand the environmental capacity of the ocean itself through the protection and restoration of coastal wetlands and the restoration of ecological shorelines. For example, the restoration of coastal salt marshes and seagrass beds in the Yellow River estuary and Luanhe estuary has effectively improved the region's ability to absorb and degrade pollutants. Through the coordinated efforts of pollution control and ecological restoration, the quality improvement of the Bohai Sea's marine ecological environment has been effectively promoted.
The third key is regional coordination. Bohai Sea governance involves multiple departments and regions. In the governance process, it can be said that China’s institutional advantages have been fully demonstrated, and the resources and forces of all parties have been fully mobilized to establish a coordination and linkage mechanism with clear responsibilities, division of labor, and joint efforts; the collaborative governance and consultation of coastal waters have been improved notification mechanism, strengthen the joint prevention and control mechanism for the upstream and downstream rivers entering the sea, and promote the implementation of various governance tasks one by one. It can be said that the results of Bohai Sea governance are the result of joint efforts.
These "three keys" to the comprehensive management of the Bohai Sea have become a new solution for global inland sea ecological environment management, and they are also the Chinese solution and Chinese wisdom we provide. We look forward to working with relevant countries to strengthen technical cooperation and exchanges in this field. In the next step, we will continue to maintain the comprehensive management of the Bohai Sea and promote the continuous improvement of the ecological environment quality of the Bohai Sea. Thanks!
CCTV reporter:Excuse me, the white paper mentioned that our country was the first in the world to propose and implement the ecological protection red line system. Can you tell us about the ocean? How are ecological protection red lines drawn? What role does the marine ecological protection red line play? What are your thoughts on how to keep this red line? Thanks.
 Sun Shuxian:
 Thank you for your question. The marine ecological protection red line is an issue of great concern to everyone. Since 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and other departments, have carried out the delineation of ecological protection red lines in conjunction with the preparation of land and spatial planning. During the delineation process, we adhered to the principle of combining "all delineation should be done" and "seeking truth from facts". Based on the evaluation of the importance of marine ecological protection, we classified areas with extremely important ecological functions such as biodiversity maintenance and coastal protection, and areas with ecological functions such as coastal erosion. Extremely vulnerable areas are given priority to be included in the marine ecological protection red line. At the same time, the red line also covers most undeveloped and uninhabited islands and oceans.The distribution areas of rare and endangered species, habitats along migration routes of migratory birds, and spawning grounds of important fishery resources all play a very critical role in protecting the habitat and migration of marine life and bird migration.
At present, a total of about 150,000 square kilometers of marine ecological protection red lines have been delineated across the country. The vast majority of typical marine ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds have been included in the red lines. Forming an important blue ecological barrier.
In order to strengthen the management and control of marine ecological protection red lines, we have also issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Ecological Protection Red Lines (Trial)" with relevant ministries and commissions, standardizing the specific types and types of limited human activities allowed. The management requirements, as well as the specific circumstances and approval procedures for the occupation of major national projects, clarify the departmental supervision responsibilities of ecological protection red lines. On this basis, each province and city combined with their respective local realities, comprehensively considering principles and flexibility, and refined and introduced ecological protection red line control requirements with more local characteristics and operability.
In the next step, we will strengthen coordination and linkage with local governments, regularly carry out evaluations of the effectiveness of marine ecological protection red lines, increase publicity efforts, strengthen the awareness of all sectors of society to strictly abide by marine ecological protection red lines, and unite society Let’s work together to protect the red line of marine ecological protection. Thanks!
  Reporter from Hong Kong China Review News Agency: Ocean issues are global issues. What achievements has China made in participating in global ocean governance? In addition, what are the next steps to consider in terms of promoting international cooperation and exchanges in marine ecological protection and providing Chinese solutions for global ocean governance? Thanks.
 Sun Shuxian:
Indeed, ocean issues are now a global issue, affecting the whole world, not just coastal countries. Including common concerns in landlocked countries. China has always attached great importance to international exchanges and cooperation in marine ecological and environmental protection. Now I will briefly introduce the effectiveness of cooperation from three aspects.
First, continue to deepen cooperation in key areas of the “Belt and Road” countries and actively expand global partnerships. We have issued a series of cooperation documents such as the “One Belt, One Road” Maritime Cooperation Vision, the “Blue Partnership Principles” and the “One Belt, One Road” Blue Cooperation Initiative. It has signed cooperation agreements in the maritime field with more than 50 countries and international organizations, laying a solid foundation for practical cooperation.
The second is to continuously strengthen cooperation platform construction and project cooperation. We cooperate with Indonesia, Thailand, etc.Nine countries have jointly established cooperation platforms such as marine joint research centers/laboratories; established regular marine cooperation mechanisms with the European Union, Africa, Southeast Asia and island countries; in marine scientific research, marine disaster prevention and reduction, marine ecological environment protection, and marine resources In terms of development and utilization planning preparation, we have provided technical support and capacity-building training to relevant coastal countries and island countries, and carried out a series of specific and pragmatic project cooperation.
The third is to actively participate in global governance in the ocean field. We participated in the BBNJ Agreement negotiations throughout and played a constructive role, actively responded to the "United Nations Decade of Oceans" initiative, and shared our practices and experiences in the fields of marine scientific research, environmental protection, disaster prevention and reduction, etc. Organize a series of international exchange activities such as the Global Coastal Forum and Xiamen Ocean Week to provide experience and examples for global marine ecological and environmental protection.
Next, we will take multiple measures to further consolidate international cooperation and exchanges in marine ecological and environmental protection. On the one hand, we will continue to expand our blue circle of friends. Promote cooperation in areas such as comprehensive ocean management, marine scientific research, ocean observation and disaster prevention and reduction, ecological environment protection, and capacity building. The second is to improve the construction of cooperation platforms and mechanisms. We will implement China's "Ocean Decade" initiative, build well-known brands for international cooperation such as the Global Coastal Forum, and provide more public goods and services to the international community. The third is to actively participate in global governance in the field of marine ecology, carry out in-depth cooperation with the United Nations and its exclusive agencies and regional organizations, conduct multilateral and bilateral consultations on important issues in the field of marine ecology, actively contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions, and demonstrate responsibility with pragmatic actions. image of a great country.
Thank you!
Reporter from Beijing Youth Daily:Just now, Minister Guo introduced some changes in the Marine Environmental Protection Law after the latest revision. We also noticed that the latest revision of the Marine Environment Protection Law The Protection Law has made a series of new provisions on strengthening the protection of marine biodiversity. I would like to ask specifically what is the current situation of marine biodiversity in our country? What next steps do we need to take to restore biodiversity? Thanks.
 Guo Fang:
Thank you reporter for your question. The biodiversity you care about is now getting more and more attention from the world. All things must be harmonious to live, and each must be nourished to be complete. Biodiversity makes the earth full of vitality and is the foundation and blood of the earth's life community. As the largest ecosystem on earth, the ocean is the treasure with the richest biodiversity. Protecting marine biodiversity is to continue the oldest and most beautiful life story on earth.
China is a big ocean country. We have recorded more than 28,000 marine species, accounting for about 11% of the total number of known marine species in the world. China is one of the countries with the richest marine biodiversity in the world. . China attaches great importance to the protection of marine biodiversity and has been promoting protection, restoration, supervision and governance. The newly revised "Marine Environment Protection Law" also focuses on the protection of marine biodiversity, requiring a sound investigation, monitoring, evaluation and protection system to maintain and restoring important marine ecological corridors.
According to the "2023 China Marine Ecological Environment Status Bulletin", the health status of the 24 typical marine ecosystems included in the monitoring has generally improved. From 2021, the "unhealthy" status will remain clear. Zero, marine biodiversity has steadily increased. Media friends have also been very concerned about it. There are more and more reports and pictures of the harmonious coexistence of marine life and humans. For example, the Chinese white dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary and Sanniang Bay, and the Bryde's whales in Shenzhen Bay and Weizhou Island have now become Local internet celebrity, city spokesperson.
In December 2022, the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity promoted the "Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework", referred to as "Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework", referred to as "Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework" Mongolia Frame", it is landmark. Accordingly, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments, compiled and issued the "China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030)", which regards the ocean as an important area and key target and will focus on strengthening estuaries, bays, Restoration and restoration of marine ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. Minister Sun also gave a more detailed introduction just now.
In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other relevant departments will conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Kunming-Mongolia Framework", thoroughly implement strategies and action plans, guide and supervise coastal areas to systematically carry out bay refinement in conjunction with the construction of beautiful bays. We will conduct comprehensive surveys, focus on ecological protection and restoration, continue to strengthen survey monitoring, supervision and management, and take multiple measures to protect marine biodiversity. Thanks!
Reporter from China Daily:We have noticed that the Ministry of Natural Resources has guided coastal areas to implement a number of major marine ecological protection and restoration projects. I would like to ask if you can give more details. Please introduce the situation and what ecological protection and restoration measures have been implemented? Thanks.
 Sun Shuxian:
 Thank you for your attention. "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan""Since then, we have used a combination of natural restoration and artificial restoration to organize and implement a number of major projects, and have so far promoted 175 projects that have achieved results. I would like to answer your question with a few specific examples.
First, the problem of "hard seawalls" destroying the ecological functions of the coastline. We have taken measures to ecologically transform seawalls to give full play to the disaster reduction function of the ecosystem and improve the resilience of the coastal zone. Another example is artificial structures. , the problem of coastal wetland degradation caused by the invasion of alien species. We return the land to the sea, dismantle artificial structures, and after removing the alien invasive species, we promptly plant mangroves, salt marsh vegetation and seagrass in the areas where the alien species live to restore the coastal wetlands. Ecological functions. Of course, ecological restoration measures also include restoration of mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds, protection and rescue of rare and endangered species, as well as engineering measures such as seawall opening reconstruction and bay dredging. Strategies are implemented by zoning and classification. At present, marine ecological protection and restoration projects have achieved obvious social, ecological and economic benefits, effectively reducing regional ecological degradation pressure and significantly improving the marine ecosystem. The quality of the system has enhanced the connectivity, stability and integrity of the ecosystem. Here are two examples to share with you. One is Xiamen, Fujian. Since 1988, Xiamen City has gradually carried out the comprehensive management of Yuandang Lake. We have carried out comprehensive management projects for bay areas such as the West Sea Area, Wuyuan Bay, Huandong Sea Area, Xinglin Bay, Maluan Bay, etc., and achieved systematic management through land and sea coordination and river-sea linkage, forming a vivid "Xiamen Practice" of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Picture scroll. Some time ago, many media visited the site and I believe everyone felt it deeply.
In addition, the sea environment in Beihai, Guangxi has been basically curbed through the implementation of the "Blue Bay" renovation project. The problem of quality decline and coastal wetland degradation has connected the Silver Beach coastline, and the area of ​​mangroves has increased steadily, producing good ecological, economic and social benefits.
According to statistics, "Ten Since the Third Five-Year Plan, a total of 1,680 kilometers of coastline and more than 750,000 acres of coastal wetlands have been renovated and restored nationwide, improving and upgrading the structure and functions of typical marine ecosystems, and effectively restoring the habitats of rare and endangered animals such as the Chinese white dolphin and the Chinese horseshoe crab. It reduces the interference to the East Asia-Australasia migratory bird migration route. In addition, it also enhances the people's sense of gain and happiness in being close to the sea, and builds a safety barrier for high-quality development in the coastal zone.
Reporter from Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine:The white paper introduced that last year, Zhejiang Province&ldThe new model of "Blue Cycle" marine plastic waste management won the United Nations "Champions of the Earth Award". How is the promotion and application of this marine plastic reduction model so far? China has also contributed to the protection and governance of the global marine ecological environment. What Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions have you learned? Thank you.
 Guo Fang:
Yes. Marine plastic pollution control is indeed a global difficulty and a focus of everyone's attention. Taizhou, Zhejiang Province has explored and formed a new model of "blue cycle" marine plastic pollution, using big data and blockchain technology to overcome marine plastic pollution. The path of governance, high-value recycling of resources and the common prosperity of fishermen has achieved a win-win situation of ecological value, social value and economic value. Therefore, it stood out among the 2,500 applied projects around the world in 2023 and won the United Nations "Champions of the Earth Award". , It is not easy.
At present, the promotion and application of "Blue Cycle" is very fast, not only in Zhejiang Province, but also in the Yangtze River Delta region and the southeast coast. , Fujian, Shandong, and Hainan have all established "Blue Cycle" demonstration centers. The "Blue Cycle" model has also been fully recognized internationally, and is also promoted and applied in Singapore, France, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Switzerland. . Not only the original plastic waste bottles, but also some marine aquaculture fishing nets and fishing gear are now included in the recycling sequence.
"Blue Cycle" advanced technical solutions and operation models. , high-quality marine recycled plastic re-products have been favored by many multinational companies, industry associations, financial institutions and even overseas government agencies. For this reason, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has jointly issued the "Coastal Cities" with multiple departments. "Marine Debris Cleanup Action Plan" to better promote the recycling and collection of marine debris and provide more raw materials for projects such as "Blue Cycle". We believe that it should be able to further play a good role.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various coastal areas have been carrying out practical innovations in marine ecological environment protection and governance. The most prominent ones are not only the "blue cycle" you mentioned, but also the "Xiamen Practice" introduced in detail by Minister Sun just now. ”, as well as the “Bohai Sea Governance” I just introduced. We also recommended the beautiful bay through the evaluation of outstanding cases.A number of iconic achievements with recognition, influence and reputation have been produced. Currently, we are already conducting the third batch of reviews to provide new ideas and new paradigms for global ocean governance.
These experiences and explorations are not only “Chinese” but also “worldwide”. China is willing to work with other countries to jointly open a new chapter in building a maritime community with a shared future, jointly protect the "blue home" on which mankind depends for survival, and leave blue seas and blue skies to future generations. Thanks.
 Xing Huina:
Today’s press conference ends here. I would like to thank the two ministers and all the media friends present here. , Goodbye everyone!
Original title: Full text record丨The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the white paper "China's Marine Ecological Environmental Protection"

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